Tuesday, September 6, 2011

NEw Flash short on the way and not the one you are thinking of.

Hi. I am just going to start by saying that REcipes for an Unhealthy lifestyle ep. 2 is dead for now. It has been shelved and filed away. It's too long. I cursed my self again by writing it too long and trying to dive too deep into a wider story that has nothing to do with what i am trying to get at. It's probably a lot like a conversation with me.(huh-huh.) Anyway on to the good news!

The past week or so I have been working on a new short film. It will be done in flash. I have an animatic that i seriously am love for. I am having a good time working on it.

A couple years ago I was trying make a flash animated documentary about these dudes who train to fist fight polar bears for thrills and whatever. I have taken that premise and changed things up a bit. It's more to the point now and I will be posting stuff about it for the next couple weeks most likely.

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